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killer application中文是什么意思

用"killer application"造句"killer application"怎么读"killer application" in a sentence


  • 独特网站服务
  • 杀手级应用
  • 杀手锏应用


  • Pulled long tail ! can personalized portal be a killer application
    00被拉粗的“长尾” !个性化门户能否成为杀手级应用?
  • The “ killer application ” for future mobile networks is not yet recognized , at least not published
  • My personal guess is that there will not be a single killer application but a killer solution to manage diversity
  • As a kind of important embedded network software , embedded email client is always one of the killer applications being researched
  • I think it s a killer application ; however , sometimes a simple sax program , or even a dom tree , provides all the functionality you need without adding in nearly the complexity of a data binding project
  • What operators lack are so - called killer applications . chunghwa telecom will start to offer video downloading through mobile phones , but this might not be exciting enough to attract users
    运营商所缺少的,正是`人们所谓的"杀手锏" 。中华电讯即将开始提供手机下载录影节目的服务。但是` ,这项服务也许还不够刺激,没法吸引新的用户。
  • All the rest of those handsets also run on software , albeit dozens of incompatible operating systems , each chiefly designed to deliver what is still the only " killer application " most users demand of a cell phone ? to be a phone
    余下的那些手机同样运行在各种软件之上,只可惜相互操作系统并不兼容,并且设计提供的功能仍然是大部分用户所期待的唯一“杀手级应用” - -一部电话。
  • Rm , suzumura t , matsuoka s . ninf - g : a reference implementation of rpc based programming middleware for grid computing . journal of grid computing , 2002 , 1 : 41 - 51 . 23 abramson d , giddy j , kotler l . high performance parametric modeling with nimrod g : killer application for the global grid
    Gt还提供了大量有用的应用层功能,使用gt4核心组件能够构建更多的工具和组件,它们相互操作,形成更大的“ globus生态圈” ,使用这些工具开发大范围的网格设施和分布式应用。
用"killer application"造句  


In marketing terminology, a killer application (commonly shortened to killer app) is any computer program that is so necessary or desirable that it proves the core value of some larger technology, such as computer hardware, gaming console, software, a programming language, software platform, or an operating system. In other words, consumers would buy the (usually expensive) hardware just to run that application.
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